Creative Visualization Class
Intuition by Delisa Sage
I am currently teaching a monthly meditation class via zoom with my dear friend and colleague Perry King. Please email ( with any questions or to sign up. The class takes place on the first Thursday of the month from 4-5pm pacific standard time.
During the class, I will be leading a 20 minute guided visualization meditation. Following the guided meditation, you will draw, collage, write, or paint your vision. This class encourages all individuals to connect with their subconscious mind. I have been teaching creative visualization for 40 years since my studies with Shakti Gawain. I am also available for private intuitive readings. Please contact me ( directly for more info.
Perry King has been professionally teaching Pilates, yoga, and strength training for over 30 years. She has brought together thought leaders in the fields of environmental education, health and fitness, theatre, community activism, nutrition and meditation. She created many programs such as PerrysPLANit meditation Gathering, Mindful Movement , Yogalates , Fitness Network, Safe Routes To School, The Rhubarb Revue, and Mill Valley Literary Review and has published Luna Womens Datebook Journal and PerrysPLANit Plant Based Menu Planner.